File Structure

A guide to understanding how the theme is structured. Within this theme, you’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.

Page Templates

📁 Epicurean-html is the root directory and source for all HTML pages (in .html or .njk) and contains the example HTML templates supplied with the theme.

Contained in Epicurean-html directory/folder is a precompiled static site or sites, equivalent to what you see in the online demo.

Pages are named generally according to their demo name, number or purpose, and you can open any of the files in your browser to see it in action, or modify the markup in your editor to suit your needs.

This documentation is also housed in Epicurean-html to share the theme's assets, but the documentation files are not required in your projects, and you may move or make another copy of them elsewhere.

Folder Contents

📁 Epicurean-html contains all HTML files and assets. 📁 Assets folder contains fonts, image, js, css files.

  • 📁 fonts contains all third party fonts/icons used in the theme.

  • 📁 image contains all images used in this theme, backgrounds, icons, patterns and more.

  • 📁 js contains custom js codes required for theme functionality.

  • 📁 css contains all necessary CSS/SCSS for theme stylings (other than plugin CSS files)